Friday, September 28, 2012
For the Memo of Wong Ka Kui (decreased Lead singer of Beyond)

Not sure how to put it in words. 
But allow me to say. 
Always feel wasted and sad when got to know that someone talented passed away.
Though he left 19 years ago, but i like his music, his songs, the way he was able to motivate people. 
Below are their songs. 


 - 1993 memo concert 海闊天空

 - 1996 海闊天空



- 不再犹豫

- 灰色軌跡

- 真的爱你

23 June 1993, fell off from the stage while doing a recording for a Japanese variety show. 
Died after one week of coma, at the age of 31, left together with his lots of potential and possibilities. 
Want to say, thanks for your music, your songs and your motivations. 
Thanks for not giving up in music. 

Once again, let us always remember what he had done to the music industry and his name is 黄家驹.

what we could have been, 10:27 PM>.